Websites for the career

hi everyone! today I want to share with you some current website that I use for the homework of the career that maybe can help you.

Since my first year of career to now the most visit website for me was the news website like El Mercurio, CNN, Bio-Bio and more, you need to use different news website because all them implies a different vision about the fact and let you understand on a objective way.

When you need to do reports, maybe one of the better tools for get investigation, books or article of magazine is Google Scholar, that tool show you a long list of book, articles, investigation, case of study and more, and all this things made it years ago or recently  (is incredible all the information that you can have for investigate one theme and learn a lot about that topic with this website)

Other websites that can support you are the magazines (are available on the internet for free) about the public administration, some of them show how the public administration, the public policy or the government are developed in the new global scenarios and as new technologies or tools transform it, a few magazines that I can recommend you are the magazine "Gestión Pública" (you can see in the photo some article of this magazine) or "CLAD Reforma y Democracia" the both magazines relate to various topic affecting public administration, in generally the magazine about the public administration are very easy to understand and was written by academics and specialists in subjects related to public administration and the public sector, that make the magazines a good website for the homework or reports of the university.

I hope that some of this website help to you to find the information that you want for the career or that will serve you if you want to read it to know even more of what you need for the university homework or reports.


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