My future job

Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about my future job, first of all I have to say that I'm student of public administration so my future job will be oriented in that way, When I finished my career I wish to work in the ministry of social devolpment or work in the United Nations representing Chile in this important international organization.
for sure the both job are in an office and all that I can imagine about the ministry of social devolpment is working with stadistic doing some reports and making institutional procedures to fulfill the mission and vision of the ministry, in the other hand I imagine that work on UN would be like be in constant negotiations with other countries to ensure peace in the world, I also believe that it could make reports on national reality to indicate the state of advance of  SDG ( that is a international agenda promulgated in 2015 by the UN to which Chile adhered).
I think that in both jobs you travel a lot, but in the case of the ministry of social development I think it depends more on the rank that one goes reaching that allows you to make more trips. Obviously the idea of traveling is exciting but at the same time I can’t forget that that trip has an ultimate purpose which is to help people in some way.
I know that studying public administration is very important because it allows me to access those places I want to work but I also have to be aware that it may require training or getting a magister to be able to better jobs


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Well, I hope that in the UN commission, we will go together on the same plane hahaha. A hug uwu


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