Gender roles and stereotypes

Hello everyone! today I want to talk about gender roles and stereotypes, first of all I think is really important theme because is something that is present in the society and  and that sometimes doesn’t allow people to express yourself freely, It is also discriminatory because it puts one gender against the other and causes the male gender to be seen in a way superior to the female gender.

Always remember when I was a kid and my dad told me "a man doesn’t cry" and all I had to do was look strong as if nothing happened and contain the desire to cry but when you grow you know that statement was really bad because a man can cry, but at the same time grow implies to know the story's of other people and with that I know why my dad told me that phrase when I was child and it is because him dad say the same thing to he, is like a tradition (a really bad tradition) the ideas of the women in the kitchen, the man work for the famiy, a man doesn't cry or other phrases.

Currently after the feminist movement (the one who lived closest to the university) I feel that these issues are being questioned and even, I took this theme to converse with my dad and my mom, to get those bad ideas out of their minds so I can teach my little sister.

But learn all that things make me want to explain to my friends and when I try to share with my school friends (I come from a male school) was very hard to make them understand why that things make the society is unfair between male and female and was complicated just because them have the gender roles and stereotypes present in they lifes.


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