A subject I enjoy studying

Hello everyone! today I want to talk about a subject that I learn in this semester and that is modernization of the state, this topic I learn in the course of the dynamism of the public administration and this subject I enjoyed because with the modernization is possible that state do a better work for the citizenship.

The modernization implies that the state be more closer to the people, be more transparent and the same time implies use the new tools and technology that appeared and makes the state more efficient, also raise the levels of governance.

The modernization is truly important in the actually for the governments and Chile is in the process of the modernization since 1990 with important milestones like the transparency law, the law that create the civil service, the goals of management and others stuff.

I enjoy studying this because is seem to be important reason why the state and public policy works in the way that do and also read articles and books about this let you know what is the wrong with the process of modernization that Chile have and the good things of the system had and have.


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