My Autobiography

My name is Cristóbal Ignacio Gutiérrez Moya and I was born in Santiago, Chile, On July 10th, 1999. I have one brother called Braulio, he have 24 years old and he is a industrial maintenance technologist, actually him work in Cesmec but in this day he took vacations  and go to La Serena with him girlfriend, my little sister called Martina have 10 years old and she is going to the school. She loves draw and dance to her favorite songs also she loves watch videos from YouTube.
My mom and my dad try to give me the best option in the life and for that they think the best for me was matriculate in Nocedal School in La Pintana, in that place I finished my primary and secondary studies and makes a lot of friends, that School is only for boys and the education they give me was near to the religion, in my third and fourth year of secondary started study for become a  technician in telecommunications and when my years of school end, i have to going to do the labor practice in LarraínVial, that place let me learn a lot about Stock Exchange and how to do the place of work better only with good energy and jokes but when the experience end was happy and sad at the same time, all the laughs just turned in cry when say my goodbye to that place and the persons working there.
My mother and my dad after the labor practice finish ask to me, what want to do you now? and I was like study, so I decided study Public Administration in University of Chile and meet incredible friends, they support to me and make all the days in happiness, I'm so thankful to know that friends and also I'm so thankful of my mother called Maria and my dad called Ramón, they really give me the tools to fight for my dreams and the things the believe.
About things to love and like, I love listening music and read books also I like spend time with my family and my friends talking about different things, on my vacations I like to go out with my cousins to the square


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