Career Choice

When I was child want to be a teacher of history and obviously played like I'm are teacher in that moment, but when I grow I see too many things the got me thinking about to be teacher was the better option or no, in that point of my life (I remember that I have 18 years old) my options for study was law and teacher of history but when I least expecting it I meet someone, she was studying public administration and explain me what the career consist.
finally decided study public administration for all the things that she says to me and for the vocation to the public service, I feel like I'm falling in a kind of love with the description of the career and until now I feel lie I'm making the right choice because the career is all that expected and all the I want, in my first year I learn a lot and in the different exams my qualifications was good.
With all the new things the I learn I think I'd rather job in Contraloria or maybe in ministry of social devolpment because are place with interesting labors for the citizenship.


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