
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019

My favourite TV Show

Hello everyone!! today I'm gonna talk about my favourite TV show and that is Game of Throne, I really love it thats serie because the serie is about the fight of the seven kingdoms to get the crown and implies a lot of betrayals, intrigues, lies, alliances for power and at times wars, but if this don't caught your attention exist 2 important things, they are the white walkers (is a ancient creature with the power of revive the die people and want to kill all the people with life) and the 3 dragons of Daennerys Stormborn. I fall in a kind of love with the serie for the reason of the drama and the betrayls the have, with every episode that I watch can see how the lies and intrigues make me think about the direction of the characters but I was totally wrong with the things the I think could be happend. The serie have 8 season and a lot of the great episodes, my favourites are the "The Rains Of Castemere" and "Fire and Blood" in this episodes dead some of th...

A subject I enjoy studying

Hello everyone! today I want to talk about a subject that I learn in this semester and that is modernization of the state, this topic I learn in the course of the dynamism of the public administration and this subject I enjoyed because with the modernization is possible that state do a better work for the citizenship. The modernization implies that the state be more closer to the people, be more transparent and the same time implies use the new tools and technology that appeared and makes the state more efficient, also raise the levels of governance. The modernization is truly important in the actually for the governments and Chile is in the process of the modernization since 1990 with important milestones like the transparency law, the law that create the civil service, the goals of management and others stuff. I enjoy studying this because is seem to be important reason why the state and public policy works in the way that do and also read articles and books about this let ...

Websites for the career

hi everyone! today I want to share with you some current website that I use for the homework of the career that maybe can help you. Since my first year of career to now the most visit website for me was the news website like El Mercurio, CNN, Bio-Bio and more, you need to use different news website because all them implies a different vision about the fact and let you understand on a objective way. When you need to do reports, maybe one of the better tools for get investigation, books or article of magazine is Google Scholar, that tool show you a long list of book, articles, investigation, case of study and more, and all this things made it years ago or recently  (is incredible all the information that you can have for investigate one theme and learn a lot about that topic with this website) Other websites that can support you are the magazines (are available on the internet for free) about the public administration, some of them show how the public administration, the public...

Gender roles and stereotypes

Hello everyone! today I want to talk about gender roles and stereotypes, first of all I think is really important theme because is something that is present in the society and  and that sometimes doesn’t allow people to express yourself freely, It is also discriminatory because it puts one gender against the other and causes the male gender to be seen in a way superior to the female gender. Always remember when I was a kid and my dad told me "a man doesn’t cry" and all I had to do was look strong as if nothing happened and contain the desire to cry but when you grow you know that statement was really bad because a man can cry, but at the same time grow implies to know the story's of other people and with that I know why my dad told me that phrase when I was child and it is because him dad say the same thing to he, is like a tradition (a really bad tradition) the ideas of the women in the kitchen, the man work for the famiy, a man doesn't cry or other phrases. Curr...